청두 진춘 금속 재료 유한 공사

Welding Consumables Metal Materials High carbon ferro chrome powder

Product Character:According to the different carbon contents, ferrochrome powder can be divided into four types: high carbon, medium, low and extra low carbon ferrochromium. High carbon ferrochrome  powder can be used to increase wear resistance, so it is widely used in wear plate and wear resistant flux cored welding wire, we mainly produce high carbon with  raw materials imported from Kazakhstan with high Cr content; low and extra low carbon ferrochromium are mainly used as a chromium additive in steelmaking. It can also be used as a raw material for producing nitrogen ferrochrome and pure ferrpchrome, with the advantages of high performance and low cost.

브랜드 이름 진춘
원산지 중국
제품 이름 High carbon ferro chrome powder
애플리케이션 Wear plate, flux cored welding wire, chromium additive, and other materials
모양 파우더
색상 Metal shinny gray
크기 20 mesh, 40 mesh, 60 mesh, 80mesh, 100 mesh, 200mesh, 300 mesh, 325 mesh, micron size
표준 GB/T 19001-2016/ISO9001: 2015
순도 High carbon: Cr>68.0%, C8.5-10%
재료 High carbon ferro chrome lump
포장 Ton bags, steel drums

5.품질 보증

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