청두 진춘 금속 재료 유한 공사

Welding Consumables Metal Materials reduced iron powder FHT40.30, FHT40.37, FHT100.25

제품 캐릭터 : 제품 캐릭터The reduction process is divided into (solid carbon reduction) primary reduction and secondary reduction. The primary reduction is the production of sponge iron by solid carbon reduction. The main process of primary reduction is: (iron concentrate, rolled steel scales, etc.) → drying → magnetic separation → crushing → screening → canning → entering the primary reduction furnace → sponge iron. Secondary precision reduction process: Sponge iron → Cleaning → Crushing → Magnetic separation → Secondary reduction furnace → Powder block → Crushing → Magnetic separation → Screening → Grading → Mixing → Packaging → Finished product.

브랜드 이름 진춘
원산지 중국
제품 이름 Reduced iron powder FHT40.30, FHT40.37, FHT100.25
애플리케이션  Powder metallurgy products, welding electrodes, flame cutting etc.
모양 파우더
색상 Metal  gray balck
크기 40mesh , 100 mesh
표준 GB/T 19001-2016/ISO9001: 2015
순도 98.5% min
재료 Iron oxide
포장 Ton bags

5.품질 보증

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