청두 진춘 금속 재료 유한 공사

Spherical Metal Powders GH3625 Superalloy High-temperature alloy Powder

제품 캐릭터 : 제품 캐릭터

GH3625 high-temperature alloy belongs to solid solution strengthening alloys with added elements such as Nb, Mo, Cr, etc., and has high strength, excellent corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, and resistance to stress corrosion under salt spray atmosphere applied in the manufacturing of aviation engine components, aerospace structural components, and chemical equipment components.

브랜드 이름 진춘
원산지 중국
제품 이름 GH3625 powder
애플리케이션 Aviation engine components, aerospace structural components, and chemical equipment components.
모양 파우더
색상 Metal gray
크기 15~53μm
표준 GB/T 19001-2016/ISO9001: 2015
순도  Ni: Bal.  Cr: 20.0-23.0%, Mo:8.0-10.0%, Nb: 3.15-4.15%
재료 Ni, Cr, Mo, Nb
포장 진공 포장

5.품질 보증

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